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Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 4-22-2014
Town of Newbury
Finance Committee Meeting
Tuesday April 22, 2014, 7:00 pm, Town Hall
Meeting Minutes (Draft)

Committee (alphabetical):  Linda Allen, Gene Case (Vice Chair), Bob Connors, Larry Guay, Erica Jacobsen, Marshal Jespersen, Frank Remley (Chair).

Ex-Officio: Tracy Blais, Town Administrator/Finance Director.

Agenda (Tentative)

  • Request for Reserve Fund Transfer (RFT): The RFT was for $60,000 from the Reserve Fund to the Town Building Repairs and Maintenance Account. The purpose is to fund the remediation of declining air quality and sewage back up problems. This recommendation was reviewed at the April 4 meeting, and tentatively approved for $30,000, although set aside for CPC final review. It was subsequently approved for an increased, not-to-exceed amount of $60,000 by the CPC. It was unanimously approved, 7-0-0 in a vote of the Finance Committee.
  • Review proposed town warrant for FY15 with BOS as needed: The final warrant document being presented to the BOS for signature was reviewed. All Articles previously voted upon by a five member quorum of the Finance Committee with respect to recommendation for approval were discussed and ratified by all seven members present. Those recommendations appear in the attachment.
  • Other, as needed:
  • Marshall volunteered to draft a tentative amendment for Article 17 regarding the restructuring of the update of Newbury’s strategic master plan, which the Finance Committee unanimously disapproved due to lack of specificity, in case needed in floor debate.
  • There was a discussion about the format and content of a Finance Committee fiscal review presentation for the ATM. It was commented that in the past there was too much financial detail and content which caused town meeting attendees to “tune out”.  Therefore it was decided to revise the format in the effort to make it shorter, more basic, anecdotal and digestible, but still informative regarding basic financial conditions and status of the town. Erica Jacobsen volunteered to create a story board to present at the next FinCom meeting on May 6.
  • Next meeting (Tentative): Tuesday May 6, 2014